Hopefully this page will answer most of your questions but please let us know if there is anything we haven`t covered here that you would find useful and we will add it.
DOGS NSW MEMBER 210054844 - Kelly Sokolinski
Please contact Dogs NSW on email info@dogsnsw.org.au to verify my membership.
If you are interested in a RIVERLANDS puppy please email us in the first instance with what you are looking for (breed/sex/colour/coat type) and a little about yourself and family and the home/lifestyle you can offer a puppy.
We welcome visits to the kennels to view the adults but puppies can`t be viewed or handled until they are vaccinated between six and seven weeks of age. Photos of puppies are sent to buyers weekly so you can watch them grow.
We do not require a deposit to go on the waiting list but ask that if you decide to get a puppy from another breeder you let us know to take you off our list. Deposits are only taken after puppies are born and we can confirm availability. Pet puppies are chosen in order of contact after our pick and any show prospects or exports. We provide photos and video before pups are vaccinated and available for viewing and also for interstate purchasers who are unable to visit.
We, as memebers of DOGS NSW, are bound by a code of ethics (see "DOGS NSW Code of Ethics"page) and are not permitted to let puppies go to their new homes until 8 weeks of age.
These prices are for pet puppies only on the Limited Register.
Jack Russell Terrier - $2,500
Fox Terrier Smooth - $2,000
Working Line German Shepherd Dog - $3,500
Labrador Retriever -$3,000 Black and yellow and chocolate.
Contact us for prices for Main Register show/breeding prospects. Prices will vary depending on the bloodlines of the litter. We will only sell Main Register puppies for breeding/showing to ANKC registered breeders.
We are located 26km from Young NSW for pick up.
We can send puppies between Sydney and Melbourne by road via GTE Dog Transport at a cost of $150 and even QLD and SA if required POA.
Transport can be arranged nationwide by air ex Canberra.
Delivery to Canberra airport, a new PP20 or PP40 crate to keep (depending on breed), a Vet visit for a "Fit to fly" certificate and express post of the puppy pack are provided at a cost of $150.
Please contact us for a freight quote.
We DO sell puppies internationally. Export puppies must be sold on the Main Register. A charge of $250 on top of the price of the puppy applies cover a second vaccine and delivery to the shipping agent in Sydney.
We use and recommend World Class Hounds for transport and can organise a quote.
ALL Riverlands puppies come with pedigree papers. We, as memebers of DOGS NSW, are bound by a code of ethics (see "DOGS NSW Code of Ethics" page) and are not permitted to sell puppies without papers. Every pup we breed must be registered so please don`t ask us for a cheaper puppy "without papers" as the rego costs are minimal ($73) so any "breeder" willing to offer this is up to something like breeding their bitch more often than the twice in two years allowed and just not registering some of the litters or maybe the parents aren`t registered at all! Any reputable registered breeder will provide papers with their purebred puppy!
***Pedigree papers are all transferred into the new owners name.***
All our pet puppies are sold on the Limited Register which means they are not eligable for confrmation showing and breeding. They can still participate in all canine sports such as obedience, agility, rally-o, earth dog etc. Puppies are placed on the limtied register as their pet owners have no intention to breed or show and inted to have them desexed.
Main register puppies are sold only to registered breeders for show/breeding purposes. These puppies are chosen for their outstanding conformation and are priced accordingly. We will only sell a puppy on the Main Register that we would be happy to see in the show ring carrying the RIVERLANDS name!
You may choose the registered name of your pet puppy. This is the name that appears on the pedigree papers. It must be no longer than 30 characters including spaces and start with the prefix RIVERLANDS. You need to provide two options as if DOGS NSW reject the first option and a second one is not provided they may issue a random name,​​

We implant our puppies with the" mini chip" which is 40% smaller than the standard 12 mm x 2.12 mm microchip. The 7 mm x 1.25mm RFID transponders are less invasive and due to size and weight less likely to migrate around the body. We feel these are more suitable for a small breed. They also have read/write capability.
All microchips are registered with the NSW Companion Animals Register and also with the AAR - Australiasian Animal Registry via a prepaid form supplied in the puppy pack that just needs to be filled in and posted as it asks for a password.
The AAR was established in 1989 and is the largest not for profit and most comprehensive animal registration and recovery service in Australasia. AAR is a division of the RAS - Royal Agricultural Society which has been in existance since 1822. AAR follows the guiding principals and policies of RAS which includes placing a high priority on the care of all animals. AAR maintains records for over 1.5 million animals from across Australia and New Zealand including dogs, cats, birds, horses, zoo animals and even ferrets.
www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au www.aar.org.au
All puppies going to new homes outside NSW need to be regsitered with local council in their new state of residence.
Puppies are given a C3 vaccination at seven weeks of age against Parvovirus, Canine Distemper and Canine Hepatitis requiring two more at 11 weeks and 15 weeks. A series of three vaccines is given because puppies who have nursed on their mother's milk have received maternal antibodies which block the effectiveness of a vaccine. As we don`t know when the levels have dropped anough to allow a full immune response to vaccination we do three at approximately four week intervals to give the puppy the best chance of protection during this time. By as early as six weeks 25% of puppies have a strong immune response to vaccines and by 14 - 16 weeks of age the maternal antibodies have fallen enough to allow a full immune response in over 90% of puppies. A booster one year after the last puppy vaccine is given then every three years thereafter. Studies have shown immunity for up to seven years after the initial booster so now most vets offer a titre test to check for immunity before administering a vaccine. Vets used to recommend yearly boosters but this is becoming a thing of the past and although the titre may cost more than the vaccine it eliminates over vaccination and the associated health effects such as auto immune disease and injection site tumours. Vaccines are also available for leptospirosis for those living in areas prone to the disease and also corona virus and kennel cough. All puppies leaving at eight weeks come with one C3 vaccination and those leaving after ten weeks will have had a second vaccination.
Puppies are wormed at two, four and six weeks old with Drontal all wormer for small dogs and puppies. They are then wormed prior to going to their new homes at 8 weeks with Milbemax or Milpro. Puppies should continue to be wormed fortnightly until three months of age then every three months for life.
*If you wish to continue to use Milbemax or Milpro monthly it will also protect against heartworm. Please consult with your vet what is the best product and protocol for your dog in your area.
Puppies are not started on heartworm treatment before going to their new homes however they are wormed at 8 weeks old with Milbemax or Milpro which if continued monthly also protects against heartworm. Heartworm prevention can be started from three to six months of age. You can discuss the many options available on the market today with your veterinarian.
Tail docking is now illegal in ALL states of Australia without a medical reason so none of our puppies have docked tails.
Our Jack Russell Terriers DO NOT have dew claws removed.
Puppies have their nails trimmed at least every two weeks with human nail clippers, keep this up escecially while they are small so they grow accustomed to it and don`t grow up to be dogs who make a fuss at nail trimming time.
Our dogs are fed a varied diet of lamb/beef/chicken/turkey mince, RAW chicken wings/drumsticks, tinned sardines, Royal Canin dry food, brisket bones, lactose free or goats milk, fish oil/coconut oil and rice/pasta/vegetables/offal. It is important for all dogs to eat a varied diet including meaty bones to clean their teeth and ensure inner health. There is no reason your dog cannot have table scraps like leftover meat and veggies but be mindful of the foods which are poisonous to dogs. If in doubt - check first! Never allow your dog to chew a cooked bone as they become brittle and can crack teeth, get stuck in the roof of their mouth or splinter and perforate their gut. Only ever feed chicken bones RAW. Always supervise your dog with any type of bone. Chicken wings/drumsticks/thighs and beef brisket are excellent for teething puppies to help lose their milk teeth.
Many treats on the market today contain sugar and preservatives. I like to use cheese, sliced frankfurt or cooked sausage or home dried liver. Please be aware that treats made overseas like rawhide and pigs ears are not subject to the same manufacturing standards as here in Australia and can be preserved with and contain harmful and potentially cancer causing chemicals as they are deemed not for human consumption. Please be mindful of what you allow your dog to eat. Try to buy naturally preserved products and buy Australian made!
All our JRT puppies are raised inside our home and are trained to use a "Pet Potty Mat" ($20 - K Mart) or similar can be found online.
A broken or rough coat JRT does not need to be taken to the groomer or clipped. We provide a comb and easy grooming instructions in our puppy pack.
What is in our puppy packs?
Royal Canin generously provide puppy packs for us to give to our new owners so their new puppy can stay on the diet they were weaned onto. Even if you plan to change to another diet you will need this to make the transition slowly to avoid gastrointestinal upset which can be very serious in young puppies especially when already dealing with the street of a new environment, change of water supply etc. We feed all our breeding and show dogs Royal Canin dry food along with raw chicken drumsticks, raw mince and sardines. If you are getting a Jack Russell or Smooth Fox Terrier you will get a 1.5kg bag of dry food and a stainless steel bowl and if you are getting a Labrador or German Shepherd you will get a 4kg bag and a stainless steel bowl posted directly to you by Royal Canin after you use your redemption code provided by us in addition to the bag of goodies you receive when you pick up your puppy from us or he/she is delivered by road. In the case of air transport the puppy pack is express posted. In the bag you will receive a booklet on raising your puppy, a blanket and a measuring cup. In addition to the Royal Canin pack you will receive a clear file folder with all the puppy`s documents. Vaccination card, AAR rego form, copies of parents health certificate, photos and information. Also some toys for your puppy to enjoy.
We do not recommend desexing a puppy too young as like any growing animal they need the hormones produced naturally in the body to grow and develop both mentally and physically. Some breeders desex at 8 weeks before the puppy leaves for fear they will be bred from. This is detrimental to the health and lifespan of the animal. Most vets will also recommend desexing as early as possible. We recommend to leave it until at least 12 months of age to allow the dog to grow to its full potential. There are many studies from leading scientists which can be found online explaining the health consequences of early desexing. We encourage you to do your own research and make an informed decision.
All RIVERLANDS litters are bred with the intention to retain a puppy from the litter to show and improve our lines and as a result top quality puppies are remaining for pet homes. We DO NOT breed solely to suply a pet market. Each mating is carefully considered with conformation, temperament and working ability in mind. We only breed DNA tested parents to ensure we NEVER produce an "affected" puppy.
If for ANY reason your circumstances change and you cannot keep your dog we will take back any puppy we have bred at any age and find them the perfect home. We prefer any puppies we have bred come back to us rather than end up in the wrong hands or in the pound. We are responsible for all dogs we have bred for life.
The DNA test for PLL is not expensive and we hope in the future all JRT breeders will undertake to test for this very preventable disease. All RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed NOT AFFECTED by parentage and come with copies of their parents DNA profiles. Most litters are CLEAR by parentage.
For more information on PLL please see the "JRT Health Testing" page.
We are in the process of having all our dogs tested for SCA and LOA and results will be posted as they become available.
For more information on SCA and LOA please see the "JRT Health Testing" page.
ALL RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed PRA and EIC CLEAR by parentage and come with copies of their parents DNA profiles.
For more information on PRA and EIC please see the "Labrador Health Testing" page.
ALL RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed NOT AFFECTED by parentage and come with copies of their parents DNA profiles.
Most litters are CLEAR by parentage.
For more information on HNPK please see the "Labrador Health Testing" page.
ALL RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed CLEAR for these diseases.
ALL RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed DILUTE CLEAR. A Labrador should NEVER carry the dilute gene unless it has been crossbred! See "Silver Labrador Warning" page.
All RIVERLANDS puppies are guaranteed NOT AFFECTED by parentage and come with copies of their parents DNA profiles.
For more information on DM please see the "GSD Health Testing" page.
Last updated 01/10/2024