
Last updated 16/03/2025.
In 2023 we welcomed a small flock of pedigree Persian sheep to the farm from Cooibah Persian Stud in Victoria.
We welcomed our first lambs in winter 2024.
We are registered with ASSBA (Persian flock 15) with the prefix RIVERLANDS.
We are accredited free of Ovine Brucellosis [EXP 30/09/24] and vaccinate for OJD.
Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Assosciation - https://www.assba.com.au/
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Persian sheep are an ancient breed which originated in Africa. They were first imported to Australia via embryo in 1999. They come in two colour pattern varieties, Kleur Kop ("Coloured head" in Afrikaans.) and Skilder ("Painted sheep" in Afrikaans.) They can be black, brown, red, tricolour or blue. Persian sheep are an attractive small breed of sheep with distinctive features such as a short tail that does not require docking, a hair coat which is shed once a year meaning they are resistant to fly strike and don't require crutching, a large dewlap under their throat, a prominent chest and they store excess fat on their rump. They are naturally polled and heat tolerant. They can lamb every 8 months and are exceptional mothers. They are placid and friendly and not hard on fences making them an excellent sheep for hobby farms.

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We have welcomed our first ever purebred Persian lamb!
Our Tricolour ewe had an almost all black ram lamb.

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Our second ewe to lamb this year was our Red Speckle ewe with twin ewe lambs! One solid blue and one blue and roan.

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Our third ewe to lamb this year was one of our two Black Speckle ewes with a blue ewe lamb.
(Photo of Dad, Mum and baby!)

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Our fourth ewe to lamb this year was one of our two Kleur Kop ewes with a blue ram lamb.

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Our fifth ewe to lamb this year was our other Kleur Kop ewe with a blue ewe lamb.

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Our sixth and final ewe to lamb this year was our other Black Speckle ewe with a Black Speckle ewe lamb.