Labrador Retriever health testing
All our Labradors are hip and elbow scored, DNA profiled testing for PRA, EIC, HNPK and more and have annual eye certificates.
The genetic disorder prcd-PRA, causes cells in the retina at the back of the eye to degenerate and die even though the cells seem to develop normally early in life. The "rod" cells operate in low light levels and are first to lose normal function resuting in night blindness. The "cone" cells then gradually lose their normal function in full light situations. Most affected dogs will eventually go blind. Unfortunately There is no treatment or cure for the disease which it is why it is important to purchase a puppy from a breeder who screens for this very preventable disease. PRA is inherited as a recessive trait meaning a mutated copy of the gene must be inherited from both parents in order to cause the disease in the offspring.
EIC is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder causing affected dogs to suffer from a loss of muscle control following periods of extreme exercise. Typically an affected dog begins to show symtoms between 5 months and 3 years of age, usually around the age that more intensive training begins.
EIC episodes generally occur after 5-25 minutes of extreme exercise. Not all types of exercise can induce an attack; generally the dog must be actively running and excited for an extended period of time. The attacks often begin with rocking, followed by the hind limbs becoming weak and giving out. The severity of these attacks ranges between different dogs; some will continue to attempt to retrieve, dragging their hind legs along, and other will be totally unable to move, acting disoriented. These attacks usually only last about 5-25 minutes, however, in some extreme cases, dogs have died immediately following an EIC attack.
Dogs with Exercise-Induced Collapse can still lead full lives. However, it is important for dog owners to be familiar with what types of activities a dog can participate in and what types of games may trigger an episode.
Because EIC is a recessive disorder, a dog must have two copies of the mutation in order for the disease to manifest. This means that a dog can have one copy of the mutation and not experience any signs or symptoms of EIC; this dog would be known as a carrier. The carrier can then pass on either the normal gene or the mutated gene to any offspring. If two carriers are bred, a dog could potentially receive the mutated gene from each parent and be affected by EIC.
Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (HNPK) is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder in Labrador Retrievers. A mutation of the T>G nucleotides in the SUV39H2 gene causes the nose to dry out, leading to chronic irritation and inflammation of the nose's skin.
Symptoms of the disorder generally appear around 6 to 12 months of age. Affected dogs develop dry, rough, and gray or brown crusts on the surface and edge of the nose. In some cases, painful cracks appear around and on the tip of the nose. If not treated, affected dogs can develop superficial bacterial infections. Over time, the nose often begins to depigmentize, changing skin color from dark to light in color. Although the disorder is not life-threatening, continuous care to reduce the recurrence of excessive nasal crusting is required throughout the life of the dog.
Because HNPK is a recessive disorder, a dog must have two copies of the mutation in order for the disease to manifest. This means that a dog can have one copy of the mutation and not experience any signs or symptoms of HNPK. This dog would be known as a carrier. The carrier can then pass on either the normal gene or the mutated gene to any offspring. If two carriers are bred, there is a 25% chance of having a dog that receives two mutated copies of the gene and would be affected by HNPK.

Canine hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic disease which is inherited in a rather complex manner because it is influenced by more than one gene.
That is its mode of inheritance is polygenetic. HD was first recorded back in the 1930s but its incidence has increased as the popularity
of breeding and showing dogs has increased. Whether this is coincidence or whether there is some relationship has not been established.
In a number of breeds the disease is present in some degree in over 80% of individuals. Because of this it is important that a control programme is put in place. The control programme should require that all individuals that are to be bred from have their hips scored and a score should be set above which breeding is not recommended.
Obviously the ideal situation would be to breed only with dogs that have a 0 score. However this is unacceptable as doing so could exclude most if not all of the breed. A compromise has to be reached which will allow the retention of sufficient breeding stock but which will decrease the severity and incidence of the disease. It is up to the breed society to set standards that are acceptable for breeding.
A basic guideline is as follows:
If the score for any one hip is greater than 8 or if the score for any one of the 9 features listed on the score sheet is greater than 3 the dog should not be bred from. Once sufficient numbers of the breed have been assessed (100) an average for the breed can be established and then the selection criteria should be that no one hip should have a score of greater than ½ the average score.
As the breed average score drops so will the score that is acceptable for breeding.
Such a control programme can be taken a step further by recording the hip status of offspring so that it can be determined which sires are tending to reduce the hip scores of their progeny.
Hip Right Left
Norberg Angle _______________________
Subluxation _______________________
Cranial acetabular edge _______________________
Dorsal acetabular edge _______________________
Cranial eff. acet. rim _______________________
Acetabular fossa _______________________
Caudal acetabular edge _______________________
Fem neck exostosis _______________________
Fem head recon touring _______________________
Total _______________________
Score ______
The 9 items listed on the scoring sheet are all details of the anatomy of the hip joint that can be seen on an x-ray film.
Of these features 8 are scored out of 6 with 0 being normal.
One of these, the Caudal Acetabular Edge, is scored out of 5.
Therefore the worst possible score for each hip is 53 with the worst combined score being 106.
There is not a direct relationship between scoring and grading which causes considerable confusion.
The grading is done on the worst hip only. Because of differences in the assessment methods it is possible, though uncommon, for dog with a relatively low score to have a relatively high grade.
Generally speaking it is considered acceptable to breed from dogs with grades 0, 1, 2, and 3 and not
from grades 4, 5, and 6.
It is probable that the grading system will stop being used sometime in the near future.
The hip joint is a ball and socket joint with the ball (femoral head) being on the proximal end of the thigh bone (femur) and the socket (acetabulum) being on the pelvis. If the hip joint is normal the ball is a neat fit in the socket.
Generally all new born puppies have normal hip joints but in those that have HD an abnormality develops during growth.
The problem appears to be in the growing of the socket. For the socket to grow bigger as the dog grows requires quite a complex process because it is difficult to grow a hole. With the acetabulum this is achieved by the three bones that make up one side of the pelvis (ilium, ischium and pubis) joining at the acetabulum thus forming a complex pattern of growth zones.
If the acetabulum is to develop correctly the growth rate at these different zones has to be precisely matched.
If it is not, the acetabulum will become distorted so that the ball is no longer an accurate fit and this is hip dysplasia.
Some recent research suggests that dogs with HD have problems with other bone growth zones but because these are mainly involving single bones they do not cause problems.
Hip dysplasia in itself does not commonly cause lameness.
It only does so if it is of such a degree that the hip dislocates and this is uncommon.
So many dogs, particularly younger dogs, with hip dysplasia show no signs of lameness.
This combined with the fact that it is a developmental abnormality is the reason why we have to resort to assessing dogs for hip dysplasia from an X-ray taken when the dog is at least 12 months of age.
With dogs that have HD the ball is not a neat fit in the socket so the joint is subject to excessive wear and tear.
This excessive wear and tear results in the development of degenerative joint disease (arthritis).
It is the arthritis that causes the lameness. Other factors can impact of the degree of wear and tear the joint is subjected to.
The two main ones are the weight of the dog and the amount and type of exercise the dog takes.
Obviously the heavier the dog the more stress is put on the hip joint so large heavy dogs are more likely to become lame because
of hip dysplasia than small light ones. Dogs that get a lot of exercise at fast gaits such as galloping behind a car or bicycle and
dogs that do a lot of jumping or turning and stopping such as when fetching balls or sticks stress the hip joints and are therefore
more likely to become lame. A normal hip joint can sustain these sorts of stresses without developing arthritis.
So the age at which a dog with HD shows signs of lameness and the severity of the lameness is influenced by an inherited component.
That is the degree of developmental abnormality of the joint.
Then there is the environmental influence which is the degree of stress the joint is subjected to.
Elbow dysplasia is a disease with a high inherited component, which primarily affects intermediate and large breed dogs.
A high incidence of occurrence has been noted in some terrier breeds.
Typically, both elbows are affected. However, unilateral elbow dysplasia is not uncommon.
The elbow joint is composed of three bones (radius, ulna, and humerus) which must all grow together and fit perfectly.
The radius and ulna are paired bones with the radius being the main weight bearing bone.
The normal elbow joint is characterized by a smooth transition from the ulnar articular surface to the radial surface.
In a dysplastic elbow the edge of the ulnar surface lies above the level of the adjoining radius, creating a step between
the radius and ulna and causing incongruity of the joint.
The height of the step may vary from barely noticeable to 4 mm or more.
When this occurs the weight bearing force on the ulna is increased, resulting in excessive pressure on the medial coronoid process.
This leads to fragmentation of the coronoid process. This usually occurs between 5 and 7 months of age.
A superficial to deeply grooved "kissing lesion" is often present on the humeral articular surface opposite the fragment.
A cartilage flap or OCD (osteochondritis dissecans) lesion may also develop.
Secondary arthritis becomes evident at 6-7 months.
Compensatory adjustments during growth may occur in some dogs, tending to minimize unequal growth rates between
the three bones and moving the ulna distally to better conform to the radius.
However, excessive force is then placed on the anconeal process at the top of the ulnar articular surface.
This force will cause a failure of ossification, leading to an ununited anconeal process. (UAP)
Affected dogs are frequently lame or have an abnormal gait.
The gait is often characterized by excessive paddling or flipping of the front feet.
The animal may either hold the elbows out or tucked in and often stands with the feet rotated outward.
Many sit or lie down much of the time, or play for shorter periods of time than other dogs of comparable age.
They are often described as quiet or even lazy. Frequently, they are stiff when rising and tire easily.
Exercise typically makes the lameness worse.
In dogs with bilateral elbow dysplasia, the lameness may seem intermittent or shift from one front leg to the other.
When both front legs hurt, dogs do not limp constantly.
Rather, they shift weight off their elbows by altering their gait and stance.
These dogs will only "limp" when one elbow is more painful than the other.
On examination, manipulation of the elbow is often resisted.
Swelling and crepitus (grating) may be palpated.
The swelling may be worse after exercise.
In some cases, the joint will be thickened. Muscle atrophy may also be present.
The routine monitoring for the presence of elbow dysplasia is carried out from a lateral x-ray of the flexed elbow joint
taken when the dog is over 12 months of age. Correct radiograph technique is critical for making the diagnosis.
The grade is derived by measuring the amount of new bone that has developed as a result of arthritis.
Unlike the grading systems for hip dysplasia the system for elbow dysplasia is used internationally.
It is generally considered that dogs with grade 3 elbow dysplasia should not be used for breeding and that dogs with grade 2 should be considered a serious risk.