DOGS NSW code of ethics
TEL: (02) 9834 3022 FAX: (02) 9834 3872
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)
Adopted June 1995 Redrafted June 2013
Issue Date: December 2018
A Member, or their Agent, shall, at all times, ensure that all dogs under that Member's control are properly housed, fed, watered, exercised and receive proper veterinary attention, as and when required.
A Member shall permit any person authorised in writing by the DOGS NSW Secretary, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, to enter and inspect any premises owned or occupied by the Member for the purpose of investigating compliance with Clause 1 of this Code and during the conduct of the inspection the Member will permit the authorised person to record any necessary details by tape, video orphotographs.
(i) Where a dog is kept at premises other than the address nominated for the prefix and where the consent of another person or entity is required for a kennel inspection to be undertaken, pursuant to Clause 2 of this Code, the member must obtain consent for such kennel inspection from the person or entity in possession or control of the premises at which the dogs being used for breeding pursuant to the Members prefix are kept.
2.1 A Member shall permit any person, authorised in writing by the DOGS NSW Secretariat to inspect any dog owned by the Member for the purpose of confirming compliance with DOGS NSW Regulations Part I-The Register & Registration, Section 23: Inspection of Dogs, and during the conduct of the inspection the Member will permit the authorised person to record any necessary details by tape, video or photographs. (06/19)
(i) Where a dog is kept at premises other than the Member’s address, as recorded on the National Database, and where the consent of another person or entity is required to undertake the inspection of a dog, pursuant to DOGS NSW Regulations Part I-The Register & Registration, Section 23: Inspection of Dogs, the Member must obtain consent for such inspection of the dog from the person or entity in possession or control of the dog. (06/19)
Non compliance with Regulations 1 or 2 of this Code is deemed to be misconduct.
A Member commits to compliance with both the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 and the Companion Animals Act 1998 and their related Regulations as well as to the NSW Animal Welfare Code of Practice – Breeding Dogs and Cats.
(i) A Member commits to compliance with all New South Wales and Federal Bio Security Legislations and Regulations and warrants that the member is not aware of any matter, thing or circumstance relating to a Bio Security risk that does or may impede and or prevent a kennel inspection pursuant to Clause 2 of this Code.
(ii) In the event that a member becomes aware of any Bio Security risk that may prevent or impede a kennel inspection pursuant to Clause 2 of this Code, then the member must immediately, upon becoming aware of such a Bio Security risk, notify the Board of Directors of the Bio Security risk preventing kennel inspection and, thereafter, the member shall comply with all directions and requirements of the Board of Directors to manage the Bio Security risk and, if applicable, undertaking remediation of the Bio Security risk.
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)
(iii) Where the Board of Directors is made aware of a Bio Security risk in respect of a property or premises used by a member for the purpose of the keeping or breeding of dogs that may impede or prevent kennel inspection or that may present a risk to the keeping or breeding of dogs, then the Board of Directors may, in its absolute discretion, suspend the right of the member to breed and or keep dogs at the premises or property until the member has provided to the Board of Directors satisfactory evidence from a suitably qualified Bio Security Consultant that the identified Bio Security risk no longer presents a risk to the keeping and or breeding of dogs.
A Member, or their Agent, shall not allow any dogs which are registered in that Member's name, to roam at large and when away from home, must ensure that they are kept fully leashed or under effective control at all times.
A Member shall breed only with the intent of maintaining and/or improving the standard of the Breed and the health, welfare and soundness of their dogs having regard to the following:-
(i) by being the holder of a financial ANKC Registered Prefix; and (10/17)
(ii) by striving to eliminate hereditary diseases within their dogs and their breed.
(iii) that the health, physical welfare and fitness for function of dogs is of prime importance, and
(iv) that a Member shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that dogs bred by them do not suffer from any disorder that impedes their sight, breathing or ability to move freely or which is otherwise detrimental to their comfort and wellbeing.
A bitch shall not be bred from unless it is in good health and has reached adequate maturity and, in any case, no matings shall be permitted before the age of 18 months for bitches of Breeds specified in the Schedule of Adequate Maturity for Giant Breeds below or before the age of 12 months for any other bitch. Any litter resulting from the mating of a bitch under the minimum specified age at the time of mating is only eligible to be registered on the Limited Register and flagged “not to be upgraded to the Main Register”.
Schedule of Adequate Maturity for Giant Breeds:
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)
Alaskan Malamute Bloodhound Bullmastiff
Cane Corso (11/13) Deerhound
Dogue de Bordeaux German Shepherd Dogs Great Dane
Irish Wolfhound
Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Pyrenean Mountain Dog Rottweiler
Schnauzer (Giant)
St Bernard
Tibetan Mastiff
(Submissions for any additions to the above classifications must be in writing to the Secretary DOGS NSW and will be considered by the Board of Directors, after referral to the Ethics & Welfare Working Party, on their individual merit.)
A Member shall not breed a bitch that results in it whelping more than twice in eighteen months without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. Application for registration of the litter may be considered by the Board of Directors where the application for registration must be accompanied by the following:-
(i) prior written approval of a Veterinary Practitioner certifying her fitness to carry and whelp the third litter, and
(ii) the breeder to provide written details of the extenuating circumstances for the litter.
A Member shall not breed a bitch that results in it whelping more than twice in two years without the prior written approval of a Veterinary Surgeon certifying her fitness to carry and whelp the third litter.
A Member shall not breed a bitch that results in it whelping more than six times without prior veterinary certification of fitness for further breeding and without prior approval of the Board of Directors except under extenuating circumstances where application for registration of the litter may be considered by the Board of Directors.
A Member shall not conduct or permit mother/son, father/daughter or brother/sister matings. The Member is fully aware that puppies, as a result of such matings, will not be registered on the Main Register, without first having gained approval for the mating from the Board of Directors, for scientifically proven welfare or veterinary reasons.
All bitches eight (8) years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinary certificate is defined as being within three (3) months prior to the mating.
A Member shall not knowingly permit the mating of any dog or bitch which is not registered on the Main Register of ANKC Ltd or with an organisation on the listing of ANKC Ltd Recognised Working Dog Associations/Kindred Bodies as being eligible for registration on the Sporting Register. (07/13)
A Member shall not knowingly permit any of that Member's pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross-bred dog, or to any unregistered dog of the same breed or to a dog not on the Main Register unless:-
i) such mating is for the health, welfare and/or the development of a breed or an aspect thereof; and
ii) The Member has obtained the prior approval of the Board of Directors.
The prohibition against crossbreeding contained in this clause shall not apply to guide and working dogs.
All Members must register all litters bred by them, either alone or jointly with another. Registration of a litter must be effected within 6 months of the date of whelping. For the purposes of this clause “litter” includes all puppies there from living at the date of registration of the litter. A Member shall register all puppies in a litter at the same time and on one form of application for Registration of Litter.
A Member shall include their DOGS NSW Membership Number in an advertisement placed in any form of media, or on any sign whatsoever, that advertises a dog or puppy for sale whether for payment or not. Such quotation shall be in the form “DOGS NSW Member xxxxxxxxxx”. (11/19)
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)
A Member shall not release from their care, by sale, any puppy under eight (8) weeks of age (03/20). Puppies must be microchipped and vaccinated prior to leaving that Member’s care.
A Member shall ensure that all persons acquiring dogs from that Member clearly understands their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal and that they have the time and facilities (ie, adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter, etc) to perform their obligations.
A Member must provide to all new owners of dogs sold or placed by that Member, written details of all dietary and immunisation requirements and/or appropriate publications relating to such requirements as responsible dog ownership and breed specific information.
A Member shall not:-
(a) Supply any dog to commercial dog wholesalers or retail pet dealers. (07/14)
(b) Allow a dog owned by that Member to be given as a prize or donation in a contest of any kind.
(c) Offer a dog for sale by auction through any form of media.
(d) Offer for sale a non-ANKC registered or recognised dog or puppy using their DOGS NSW membership number or any reference to being a DOGS NSW Member. (04/19)
A Member shall ensure that within 28 days of the date of sale or transfer of a dog to another person that documents, as required by the DOGS NSW Regulations Part I, are provided to the new owner of the dog.
Upon the sale or transfer of a dog a Member shall supply the new owner with a current vaccination certificate signed by a Veterinary Surgeon evidencing that the dog has been immunised against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parvo Virus along with microchip documentation.
Members shall at, or prior to, the sale or transfer of a dog provide to the purchaser or transferee written notice of any medical condition, disease or injury from which the dog is suffering. It is a defense to any complaint against a Member for contravention of this Clause if the Member proves that it was not reasonably practicable for the Member to know that the dog was suffering from the medical condition, disease or injury at the time of sale or transfer. It is recommended that members obtain a receipted copy of any notice given pursuant to this Regulation. (05/18)
A member exporting a puppy must comply with all current requirements of the Australian Department of Agriculture. Whilst puppies can be exported at an age that is permitted under the relevant livestock import regulations of the country to which they are being imported, it is recommended that weaned puppies younger than twelve (12) weeks of age not be exported, and that they receive at least 2 core vaccines at least 4 weeks apart. (04/16)
A Member shall not KNOWINGLY misrepresent the characteristics of the breed.
A Member shall not engage in false or misleading advertising relating to the conformation, characteristics or performance of that Member’s dog and shall only advertise a dog’s name with the inclusion of titles awarded and registered on the ANKC Ltd database at the time of lodgement of the advertisement.
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)
A Member who provides or makes available a dog for use in a film, advertisement, promotion, any media or public display must use reasonable care to ensure that:
(a) the dog is portrayed in a fashion consistent with its breed characteristics and temperament as described in the Standard for the breed; and
(b) the dog is presented in a fashion that is unlikely to create a negative reaction to dogs generally or that breed in particular and that if there is any likelihood of a negative impression, this is at the same time corrected through the development of a story line that presents the dog or the breed (as appropriate) in a balanced fashion.
The Member must keep records and make those records available to any person authorised, in writing, to DOGS NSW Secretary pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors as follows:-
(i) All registration papers for all dogs owned, co-owned or leased by the member, including microchip details. Where applicable, copies of the same to be made available if required. (10/18)
(ii) Evidence of current vaccinations for all dogs owned or controlled by the Member. This could include Veterinary records that should be made available if required. (10/18)
(iii) All breeding records for all litters bred by the Member, whether single or in partnership, in the past five (5) years. (10/18)
(iv) All records of all stud services of the Member’s dogs, used or bred in partnership in the pastfive(5)years. Whereapplicable,copiesofthesametobemadeavailableifrequired. (10/18)
(v) All records of animals sold or leased for the past five (5) years. (12/16)
(vi) A record of all dogs owned, co-owned or controlled by the Member not residing at the
Members nominated address. (10/18)
A Member of DOGS NSW shall not register a dog with a Registry Body not recognised
by ANKC Ltd. (4/17)
A Member commits to compliance with the requirements of NSW Fair Trading.
A Member must abide by and comply with the DOGS NSW Bullying Prevention and Management Guidelines Statement (https://dogsnsw.org.au/media/3033/dnsw- bullying-prevention-management-guidelines-statement.pdf) adopted by Amendment on the eleventh day of September 2019. (09/19)
A breach by a Member of the Bullying Policy shall be deemed to be misconduct for the purposes of Regulations Part XI-Inquiries, Investigations & Appeals (“Inquiries Investigations & Appeals”) and the Board of Directors may refer conduct in breach of the Bullying Policy to Inquiry or Mediation, pursuant to Sections 3 and/or 3A of Inquiries Investigations & Appeals. (09/19)
Part XIII-Code of Ethics (Latest Amendment March 2020)